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              2. CHINESE
              3. Company profile

                The headquarters of Dongguan Yichuang Intelligent Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. is located in the global manufacturing base. The famous city of Dongguan is also known as the world factory; our company supplies various types of labeling machines; sleeve labeling machines; cotton swab cartoning machines; bagging machines; Kaifeng camera; packing machine; sealing and cutting shrinking machine; unmanned intelligent packaging production line; more than 100 varieties of non-standard automation equipment, etc.; in daily chemicals, medicine, food, wine, lubricants, electronics, hardware, automobiles, printing, Widely used in plastics, culture and education, and other industries; products are exported to Europe, America, Middle East, Southeast Asia and other regions.

                In the future, Etron will continue to treat customers as relatives and serve the heart, and will further highlight technological innovation, continuously improve the practicability and stability of Etron’s smart devices, vigorously expand brand building, and make Etron’s intelligent One-stop global smart equipment service provider.

                The company has established a well-established modern enterprise management system, has professional technical engineers, and after-sales service personnel, and has formed a high-quality young marketing team; as always, it provides customers with reliable products and perfect services; Yichuang Intelligent is dedicated to working with all walks of life at home and abroad. Merchants work together!


                Contact Us

                TEL: 13711957203

                TEL: 13798856664

                TEL: 0769-33892006
