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              1. <blockquote id='OSY6wE'><q id='OSY6wE'><noscript id='OSY6wE'></noscript><dt id='OSY6wE'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='OSY6wE'><i id='OSY6wE'></i>
              2. CHINESE
              3. After-sale service

                (1) Pre-sale customized service

                Specially customize the required product for each customer, and the engineer will visit the site to serve the customer

                Spare parts support, vulnerable parts support, equipment software maintenance support

                (2) Exclusive after-sales service

                Emergency service support, troubleshooting hotline, machine overhaul, service training, advice, maintenance, equipment optimization, machine operation inspection

                (3) Long-term maintenance cooperation agreement

                Our company will customize a maintenance plan for each user to ensure the customer's efficient production. If the machine is accidentally damaged or other emergency situations, the customer will receive timely technical support.

                Your benefits:

                Ensure the barrier-free and reasonable use of your Etron equipment

                Dedicated service engineer for on-site operation of your equipment

                Reduce the possibility of losses caused by equipment downtime

                The days of the maintenance contract can be used flexibly

                Our common goal: to ensure the efficient operation of equipment through regular, professional maintenance and relatively low maintenance costs

                (4) Yichuang spare parts inventory support

                From the perspective of safety and reliability, we provide customers with original spare parts support

                Abundant inventory, you can directly provide spare parts to customers without waiting for processing

                The quality of spare parts is guaranteed

                (5) Telephone and emergency support

                Service Hotline

                Mobile: 13798856664

                Phone: 0769-33892006

                Email contact:

                (6) Technical evaluation

                Technical evaluation to do a health check for your equipment

                Institutional analysis, based on the client's equipment use conditions to give a reasonable assessment.

                Provide evaluation report including technical advice and equipment hidden troubles.

                Experts will consult and provide improvement plans.

                (7) Professional technical training

                Professional training improves their skills and operates the equipment better.

                Our training methods are divided into three types:

                1. Customer on-site training

                2. Telephone remote training

                3. Internal training in Yichuang factory

                (8) Preventive maintenance

                Maximize production efficiency and minimize technical risks

                Satisfactory service is the driving force for the development of the company

                Serving customers is the essence of the company's work.

                Nearly 95% of technical problems can be avoided through preventive maintenance. The Etron team sincerely serves every customer

                Contact Us

                TEL: 13711957203

                TEL: 13798856664

                TEL: 0769-33892006