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              2. CHINESE
              3. 全自动灌装@设备

                Plastic bottle capping machine YC-X003


                Use and introduction:

                The linear capping machine is made of advanced technology and high-quality stainless steel. It has exquisite appearance, beautiful appearance and convenient maintenance. It is widely used in pharmaceuticals, health care products, food and other industries. It is suitable for various containers (round bottles, flat bottles, The top and lock caps of square bottles).


                1. The outer cover of this machine is made of stainless steel AISI 304 material, which meets the requirements of GMP.

                2. Automatically arrange and screw caps to reduce the labor intensity of workers

                3. The whole machine adopts full Chinese interface touch screen and PLC control.

                4. The comprehensive pass rate of the whole machine capping is 99.5%.

                5. The mechanical torque adjustment function makes the capping just right.

                technical parameter:

                A. Applicable specifications: 20-2000ml

                B. Production capacity: 30-80 bottles/min

                C. Rotating (rolling) cover rate: ≥99.3%

                D. Power supply: 220V/50Hz

                E. Power: 1.25 kw

                F. Net weight of the machine: 650 kg

                G. Dimensions 2400*900*2140mm

                Contact Us

                TEL: 13711957203

                TEL: 13798856664

                TEL: 0769-33892006
