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              2. CHINESE
              3. 全自动灌①装设备

                Linear capping machine YC-X001


                The linear capping machine adopts a new concept of flexible module combination design. It is mainly aimed at the screwing of various specifications of bottles and caps. Change bottle type. This machine does not need to change accessories. It only needs simple up and down and size adjustment. The capping wheel adopts a six-wheel rubbing type, divided into three groups: pre-rotation, initial rotation, and re-rotation. To ensure the tightness of each bottle. The capping wheel is made of silicone soft material, which will not damage the lid. The speed of the cap sorting machine, conveyor, capping machine, and bottle clamping belt is independently controlled, and can be adjusted manually. Convenient and practical. The whole machine is easy to operate, easy to maintain and less consumables.

                technical parameter:

                Power supply: ~220v;50HZ

                Power: 2.2kW

                Speed: 0~6000 bottles/hour

                Applicable bottle specifications: 40mm~100mm

                Use cover: 20mm~50mm

                Weight: ~ about 650kg

                Qualified rate of capping: ≥99%

                Contact Us

                TEL: 13711957203

                TEL: 13798856664

                TEL: 0769-33892006
