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              2. CHINESE
              3. 装袋装盒▃系列

                Automatic cotton swab cartoning machine


                The prefabricated bag cotton swab filling machine is suitable for packaging cotton swabs of different quantities, such as 50, 70, 100, etc. The width of the packaging bag is adjustable, and the rear section is directly connected to the flat labeling machine for labeling, which has good compatibility.

                Packing bag size: 100 wide×70-110 long mm

                Packing bag material: three-side sealing bag, stand-up bag, zipper bag, composite bag, etc.

                Packing speed: 0-25 packs/min

                Total power: 1KW 220V 50Hz/60Hz

                Equipment size (length * width * height): about 2150 length × 1230 width × 1100 height mm

                Contact Us

                TEL: 13711957203

                TEL: 13798856664

                TEL: 0769-33892006
